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公司簡介 企業(yè)文化 科研實力 企業(yè)前景 研發(fā)團(tuán)隊 產(chǎn)品概括

高性能纖維(碳纖維、芳綸纖維、合成化纖(polyester POY, FDY)、玄武巖纖維和玻璃纖維)及其復(fù)合材料是國民經(jīng)濟(jì)和國防建設(shè)不可或缺的戰(zhàn)略性新材料, 技術(shù)含量高,產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈長,輻射面廣,帶動力強(qiáng),是推動我國產(chǎn)業(yè)升級,汽車輕量化、風(fēng)力發(fā)電、新能源發(fā)展的橋梁和紐帶?!笆奈濉?期間, 我國碳纖維及復(fù)合材料產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈處于爆發(fā)式快速發(fā)展,預(yù)計到2026年底,聚丙烯腈碳纖維原絲和碳纖維產(chǎn)量將分別達(dá)到100萬噸和50萬噸,碳纖維復(fù)合材料將達(dá)到300萬噸,芳綸纖維達(dá)到10萬噸,合成化纖達(dá)到6000萬噸,所需油劑、上漿劑和高性能樹脂將分別達(dá)到100萬噸、10萬噸和100萬噸,因此,國產(chǎn)油劑、上漿劑及高性能樹脂研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)及銷售潛力巨大。



High performance fibers (carbon fiber, aramid fiber, synthetic chemical fiber (polyester POY, FDY), basalt fiber and glass fiber) and their composites are indispensable strategic new materials for national economy and national defense construction. They have high technical content, long industrial chain, wide radiation area and strong driving force. They are bridges and ties to promote China's industrial upgrading, automobile lightweight, wind power generation and new energy development.  During the "14th five year plan" period, China's carbon fiber and composite industry chain is in explosive and rapid development. It is expected that by the end of 2026, the output of polyacrylonitrile carbon fiber precursor and carbon fiber will reach 1 million tons and 500000 tons respectively, carbon fiber composite will reach 3 million tons, aramid fiber will reach 0.1 million tons, synthetic chemical fiber will reach 60 million tons, and the required oil agents/spin finish、sizing agent and high-performance resin will reach 1 million tons, 100000 tons and 1 million tons respectively. Therefore, the R & D, production and sales potential of domestic oil agent, sizing agent and high-performance resin is huge.

R & D products: Jilin Qianren innovative materials Co., Ltd. will continue to develop the existing products and improve the product technical level. At the same time, it will develop silicone free oil for polyacrylonitrile carbon fiber precursor, new types of sizing agents for carbon fiber and basalt fiber / glass fiber, oil agents and sizing agents for aramid fiber, high-performance polyester POY and FDY textile spin finish/oil agent ,  anticorrosive and antifouling marine engineering coatings, etc.

Manufacturing products: Jilin Qianren innovative materials Co., Ltd. carries out the production and sales of key products in the high-performance fiber and composite industry chain, mainly including oil agent for polyacrylonitrile carbon fiber precursor and aramid fiber ,synthetic chemical fiber polyester POY and FDY spinning finish/oil agent, sizing agent for carbon fiber,aramid fiber and basalt fiber / glass fiber and high-performance resin, polyurethane adhesive, 3D printing photochemical resin and its curing system, high performance fiber reinforced resin matrix composites, etc.


Contact us

歡迎致電 :

聯(lián)系電話 :18612374338

企業(yè)郵箱 :2941883707@qq.com


版權(quán)所有:吉林乾仁新材料有限公司  技術(shù)支持:龍采科技  備案號:吉ICP備2021005629號

Copyright: Jilin Qianren Innovative Material Co., Ltd. technical support: longcai technology record No.: